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Practice Area

What We Are Expert At

Legal Practice Areas
Human Rights & General litigations

Human rights and environmental law consultancy + general litigations.

Labour & Employment

Labour and employment law and advisory services on trade unions, industrial relations and employment law including termination/dismissal cases.

Business & Human Rights

Business and Human Rights Consultants (Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence for Businesses).

Public Interest & FOI

Public Interest Litigations including litigations on freedom of information (FOI requests and FOI litigations), assets declarations, public officer’s accountability, anti-discrimination law etc.

Constitutional & Developmental Law

Constitutional law, non-governmental organisations (NGO) and developmental law and advisory services

Commercial Practice & Banking

Commercial practice, banking, industrial, company law and advisory services

Family Law

Family Law Practice.

Asset Recovery & Consultancy

Public asset recovery and consultancy

Humanitarian Law

International Humanitarian Law (IHL)